The narrative commences in 2007, featuring a young boy named Reed Richards whose dream is to devise the first ever teleportation machine. Ridiculed by his peers and teachers for having unrealistic goals, his high intelligentsia and determination remain unscathed. Upon discovering a power converter in a junkyard with an unexpected acquaintance, Ben Grimm, they manage to build a partially functional teleporter leading to mysteriously missing objects.
Fast-forwarding seven years, Reed and Ben showcase an improved version of their teleportation device at their school's science exhibition. The successfully teleported toy plane reappears covered in unidentified sand. Despite the successful demonstration, the jury dismisses it as mere trickery. However, the experiment gets the attention of Dr. Franklin Storm and, Sue Storm, his adopted daughter.
Impressed by Reed’s potential, Dr. Storm presents him with a scholarship at the Baxter Foundation where he meets Johnny Storm, an exceptionally intelligent, rebellious son of Dr. Storm, and the equally talented but arrogant Victor Von Doom.
With Sue's guidance, Reed comprehends that their device doesn’t merely teleport the object; it rather translocates them to another dimension dubbed Planet Zero.
Post numerous modifications to the Quantum Gate, they successfully send a monkey to Planet Zero. Yet, their achievement is overshadowed by Dr. Allen's announcement that trained NASA astronauts would be the first to explore the new world. Outraged and disheartened by the decision, Reed, Johnny, Victor, and Ben secretly set course for Planet Zero.
Once on Planet Zero, they come across an unexplained terrain composed of green lava energy. Victor, ensnared by its mystique touches the substance causing a significant eruption and falls into the energy, apparently dying. The rest of the team hastens back to the portal; however, they fail to avoid the energy outburst leading to DNA modifications.
Reed acquires elasticity, Sue the invisibility and power of a force field, Johnny becomes a Human Torch, capable of setting his body on fire, and flying, and key assists from flying trash turns Ben into a rock creature possessing potent strength.
They are restricted to Area 57 by the US government and are subjected to numerous experiments. Reed manages to escape, promising to discover a remedy for their transformations.
Following a year, Johnny and Ben are government agents utilizing their abilities for military operations. Sue fine-tunes her abilities, while still doubting the government's intentions. Efforts are made to locate Reed as he can restore the Quantum Gate.
With Sue's aid, the government arrests Reed in Central America, where he feels obliged to repair the machine promising to reverse the transformations.
Upon another NASA explorers' visit to Planet Zero, Victor is discovered alive but infused with the planet’s energy, his suit now part of his body and also possesses telekinetic powers. Considering Earth as a potential threat, he kills the scientists and wreaks havoc on Earth through the Quantum Gate.
Victor, now dubbed "Doom", wields the Quantum Gate and accidentally activates a threatening black hole that endangers the Earth. The team traces him to Planet Zero, and battles a losing battle against Doom.
Doom cannot be taken down with conventional methods, but Reed devises a potentially theoretical method and persuades the team to take action on what can be done. Johnny lights Doom on fire, Sue traps him in a force field, and Ben deals the sending blow that sends Doom into an energy vortex. Johnny destroys the pillars that activate the portal, also closing the black hole. Just as the portal collapses, the team is able to return back to Earth before it is too late.
To show appreciation for their efforts, the government gives them a remote building to improve their skills. All of them refuse military duty, choosing to use their abilities to help humanity. They refer to their team as the "Fantastic Four" taking off from a casual comment by Ben.
Character Details:
Miles Teller straight-up bores Reed Richards, or Mr. Fantastic, a genius from zealous about exploration. He gains the ability to stretch his own body like rubber. And someone who was an escapee from guilt, Richards reappears, stepping up to team captain.
Kate Mara plays Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman and Dr. Storm's adopted daughter. An exceptionally bright scientist who can become invisible, as well as produce force shields. She starts out doubtful of Reed, but eventually supports him in stepping into his role as leader.
Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, a rebellious thrill-seeker with an aptitude for engineering; played by Michael B. Jordan. He also has flight and fire manipulation/creation abilities. Although he initially embraces his powers and military service, when it boils down to it, he would rather leave for independence with the team.
Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, the team’s soul and Reed’s boyhood best friend, who becomes The Thing. It becomes a gargantuan stone-filigreed figure of extraordinary power. He is initially upset by Reed’s escape, but ultimately makes peace with him.
Toby Kebbell plays Victor Von Doom, aka Doctor Doom, a brilliant but dispirited scientist who's been associated with the Baxter Foundation. It’s telekinesis for Doom after he gets infused with the energy of Planet Zero, and he decides humanity is unsavable and should probably be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Reg E. Cathey, as Dr. Franklin Storm, the empathetic and nurturing scientist father of Johnny and adoptive father of Sue, who backs Reed and his crew but is killed by Doom.
Tim Blake Nelson plays Dr. Allen, a government bureaucrat overseeing the Baxter Foundation. He intends to weaponize the team’s powers, which sets them suspicious. He dies trying to take advantage of Doom’s powers.
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