Synopsis: Monster Hunter (2020)

Monster Hunter (2020) – An action-fantasy film inspired by a video game. In Paul W.S. Anderson’s direction, we follow the film’s protagonist, Captain Natalie Artemis, and her team, as they find themselves in a dangerous new world populated by gigantic monsters, who they must fight to survive.

The animated adventure begins in a fantasy world where humans coexist with dangerous giant monsters. A massive ship floats over a barren landscape toward a magical edifice piloted by The Admiral (Ron Perlman) only for their trek to be interrupted by a savage beast named Diablos. In the fray, The Admiral’s best warrior, The Hunter (Tony Jaa), is thrown overboard and left for dead in the desert.

The crisis starts back on Earth, where U.S. Army Ranger Captain Natalie Artemis (Milla Jovovich) is leading her elite United Nations military brigade into a mission. While searching for missing soldiers in a remote desert, they find totemic stone markers and are swept up by a cyclical storm that leads them to a world of monsters.

Caught in a foreign, desert landscape without electronics support or communications, Diablos and Artemis’ team are soon beset by a brutal attack. The remaining members team is then ambushed by monstrous arachnid-like creatures known as Nerscyllas and dragged into their nest.

After emerging from a cocoon inside the nest, Artemis finds Lincoln with hatching eggs in his skin. As numerous Nerscyllas converge on him, Lincoln heroically throws himself in their way to give Artemis time to light the nest on fire and run into daylight, where Nerscyllas can't survive.

Lonely in a perilous new world, Artemis is being monitored by The Hunter, a monster-slaying warrior. They fight ferociously at first, but make an alliance once they figure out that they’re not enemies. Artemis wins The Hunter's trust through the universal method of sharing chocolate, although they have language barriers.

Through these intermediaries and limited communication, The Hunter learns that they will need Nerscylla poison to take down Diablos. They work together, hunting a Nerscylla, harvesting its venom, and then launching an attack on a Diablos.

With The Hunter acting as a distraction, Artemis gets her military weapons back, but bullets don't work. Hunter, shot an arrow soaked in poison into the corner of Diablos' eye. Artemis talks first about how rich and powerful they are, before using a grappling hook to engage the monster and thrust The Hunter’s massive sword into its skull.

After a hard-fought battle, they arrive at a small oasis that has friendly herbivore creatures, but then have their respite interrupted when they are attacked by Rathalos, a fire-breathing monster. The Admiral rescues Artemis just in the nick of time, and explains that the Sky Tower creates Portal Devices to turn worlds into either dust or plasma, and that a civilization was wiped out by its own technology.)

In exchange for assistance in getting back home, Artemis agrees to aid in the defeat of Rathalos and to prevent the Sky Tower from opening dangerous portals. Artemis is back on Earth and right behind him is Rathalos; for the battle must continue.

Unfazed by Rathalos' devastation, Artemis employs her sharpened monster-killing weaponry to detonate a series of explosives in Rathalos' mouth, causing irreparable trauma to him. The Hunter, which has also crossed over, then takes out Rathalos with an explosive arrow.

Realizing that the existence of the Sky Tower is what’s allowing monster inundation on Earth, Artemis decides to return to destroy said tower. They prepare for a climactic battle, but are interrupted by a new monstrous threat, Gore Magala, all the while being watched by a cloaked figure on a tower.

Character Details

  • Captain Natalie Artemis (Milla Jovovich)
    A badass and well-trained U.S. Army Ranger who gets accidentally transported to monster town. She adjusts, fights back, and her skills as a warrior are formidable, both as a military strategist and as a monster hunter.

  • The Hunter (Tony Jaa)
    A highly agile sword wielder who uses massive swords and enemy specific weapons to slay monsters. He's wary of Artemis at first, but as they work together, he grows closer to her.

  • The Admiral (Ron Perlman)
    Leader of the Hunters, he commands a band of protectors to fight back against monstrous evils that threaten their world. Because he also happened to have encountered Earthlings in the past, he speaks English and knows quite a bit about the Sky Tower.

  • Lincoln (T.I. Harris)
    A member of Artemis’ military team, he is strong and loyal but falls victim to the Nerscyllas after being poisoned.

  • Marshall (Diego Boneta)
    Another soldier in Artemis’ squad who is killed early by the Nerscyllas in their cave lair.

  • Dash (Meagan Good)
    A soldier who is taken by the Nerscyllas and dies before she can escape.

  • Steeler (Josh Helman)
    One of Artemis’ teammates who is impaled and killed by Diablos.

  • Axe (Jin Au-Yeung)
    The first soldier killed in the new world when Diablos attacks their convoy.

  • Handler (Hirona Yamazaki)
    A member of the Admiral’s crew who helps The Hunters in battle.

  • Palico (Aaron Beelner)
    A humanoid, cat-like creature that serves as the ship’s chef and fights alongside The Admiral.

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