The ledger book is on a ship called the HMS Dauntless, a British Naval ship, in the 18th century, headed for Port Royal, Jamaica. On the ship is Governor Weatherby Swann and his daughter, Elizabeth Swann. On the way, they rescue a stranded shipwreck victim, a boy named Will Turner. Elizabeth subtly removes a pirate gold medallion from him, worrying that the British Navy will confuse Will for a pirate and kill him.
Years later, Elizabeth, now grown up, has kept the medallion secret. Will Turner, a blacksmith's apprentice, secretly loves Elizabeth, and is saddened by their class difference. A British official, Commodore James Norrington, proposes to Elizabeth. Elizabeth faints when called to account, precipitating herself into the sea by virtue of her corset.
When Elizabeth makes contact with the water, the medallion resonates a strange pulse that signals to an unseen aquatic beast. At the same time, eccentric pirate Jack Sparrow arrives in Port Royal hoping to commandeer a ship. After cutting her free, Jack is captured himself when Norrington recognizes him as a wanted pirate. He escapes by using Elizabeth as a human shield, until he is picked up after a sword battle with Will.
The pirate ship Black Pearl, crewed by cursed pirates led by Capt. Hector Barbossa, attacks Port Royal, searching for the medallion. They kidnap Elizabeth, who passes for a Turner, in hopes they’ll protect her in name.
This was shortly after he was transformed into a skeletal undead on board the Pearl, who reveals the story of the Aztec curse which, in exchange for multiple gold coins, transformed him and his crew into a group of undead skeletons who suffer eternally. In order to break the curse, they think they need to bring back all the stolen Aztec gold with Turner’s blood.
Will find allies with Sparrow, only pirate Jack finds possibly-his-ally to rescue Elizabeth when Jack discovers Will's lineage from "Bootstrap" Bill Turner, former crewmate of Pearl.
To free Elizabeth, Will and Jack commandeer the HMS Interceptor, assemble a crew, and follow the Black Pearl to Isla de Muerta. But Barbossa is unable to break the curse because of Elizabeth's blood which he uses to perform the ritual since she is not a true Turner.
The Pearl gives chase to Will and Elizabeth, who flee to the Interceptor. Following an intense scale of sea-warfare, the Pearl defeats the Interceptor. Will strikes a bargain with Barbossa, offering his own blood as the one true Turner, in exchange for Elizabeth's life. But Barbossa tricks him, leaving Jack and Elizabeth marooned on a barren land.
Norrington responds to Elizabeth’s distress signal and agrees to marry him if he saves Will. After Barbossa sails to steal his crew, Jack uses that against him, and steals a piece of cursed gold, making himself momentarily invulnerable. With the curse finally lifted, Jack shoots Barbossa fatally.
Back at Port Royal, Jack is marked for execution, but Will intervenes and frees him. But he declares his love for Elizabeth, winning her over, while Norrington obligingly lets Jack get a head start before resuming his pursuit. The film ends with Jack reclaiming the Black Pearl, sailing into new adventures.
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Directed by Gore Verbinski
Character Details:
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp):
- A clever and unpredictable pirate with a flamboyant, earthy swagger.
- Nitpick that one fact people believed about him: Barbossa betrayed him and took that ship.
- Uses deception, charm and intelligence instead of brute force.
Will Turner (Orlando Bloom):
- Blacksmith who is secretly the son of a pirate (Bootstrap Bill Turner).
- Hates pirates at first but then embraces his heritage to save Elizabeth.
- Ambitious, ambitious in strong moral and the deep sense of loyalty.
Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley):
- Governor’s daughter, who has been drawn to pirates since girlhood.
- Strong and smart, defying noblewoman stereotype.
- Chooses love (Will) over duty (marriage to Norrington).
Captain Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush):
- Sly and merciless pirate, captain of the Black Pearl.
- Backstabbed Jack Sparrow and took the cursed Aztec gold.
- What he really wants, the only thing he really wants, is to undo the curse, at whatever cost to other people’s lives.
Commodore James Norrington (Jack Davenport):
- An admiral in the Royal Navy.
- Wants to follow the law and marry Elizabeth.
- Finally shows honor and gives Jack a head start.
Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin R. McNally):
- Pirate — Former Navy man turned pirate.
- Jack’s loyal first mate who is superstitious and wise.
Governor Weatherby Swann (Jonathan Pryce):
- Elizabeth’s father, who worried that she might be in danger.
- Pretends Will is a phantom but reluctantly comes to accept him.
Pintel & Ragetti (Lee Arenberg & Mackenzie Crook):
- Pirate comic relief, part of Barbossa’s cursed crew.
- Ragetti has a wooden eye that constantly pops out.
Cotton & His Parrot (David Bailie):
- A mute pirate whose parrot talks for him.
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