Synopsis: Pirates of the Caribbean 4 On Stranger Tides (2011)

The fourth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series follows Captain Jack Sparrow's perilous journey in search of the fabled Fountain of Youth. Along the way, he encounters old enemies, a famous pirate, and a former lover as he navigates dangerous offshore waters rife with cheating, folklore and adventure.

The story starts with the recovery of an enigmatic survivor off the coast of Spain. He claims to be a member of Ponce de León’s entourage, who disappeared 200 years ago in pursuit of the Fountain of Youth. When he hears of its existence, the king of Spain quickly organizes an expedition to claim the fountain for himself.

In London, Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally), mistakenly identified as Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), is being tried. The real Jack arrives to rescue him, but he’s soon captured and taken before King George II (Richard Griffiths). The king recruits Jack to lead a mission to the Fountain of Youth, fearing the Spanish will reach it first. Leading the mission is Captain Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), now a privateer in the service of the British Crown. Jack, unhappy with Barbossa’s new loyalty, escapes from captivity with aid from his father Captain Teague, who ominously tells him of the challenge he will face at the Fountain.

Meanwhile, Jack learns that an imposter is taking his place and rallying pirates. That brings him to Angelica (Penélope Cruz), a former flame and the daughter of the notorious pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane). Blackbeard’s daughter, Angelica, plays a trick on Jack and captures him aboard his ship, Blackbeard’s legendary naval vessel, the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Jack leads a mutiny, but using the magic of the Sword of Triton, Blackbeard’s able to keep the ship and its crew in check. Blackbeard reveals that he has foreseen his own demise, and is determined to make it to the Fountain of Youth in an attempt to prevent it. He forces Jack to help him with a voodoo doll that looks just like him.

At the same time, Barbossa, now captain of the HMS Providence, forces Gibbs to lead him after burning Jack’s maps, claiming he’s committed the route to memory to the Fountain.

Angelica tells Jack that the Fountain’s magic can be awakened with two silver chalices from Ponce de León’s flagship, the Santiago, and a mermaid’s tear. The one drinking from the chalice with the tear would perish, their life energy transferred to the other drinker.

The Queen Anne’s Revenge sails to Whitecap Bay, where Blackbeard’s crew attempts to catch a mermaid. After a nasty kerfuffle with the mermaids, they abscond with one of them, named Syrena (Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey). She has to live in a glass tank to survive, but it shatters, and she obtains wondrous human legs. Instinctively preying upon this vulnerability, a captured missionary, Philip Swift (Sam Claflin), relocates and protects her. Philip says he loves Syrena and she naturally sheds a tear, which Blackbeard uses in the ritual

The recovery of the silver chalices from Santiago’s wreckage brings Jack face to face with Barbossa. Learning of the chalices taken by the Spanish, they team up to get them back. During their time together, Barbossa reveals that Blackbeard attacked the Black Pearl, leading him to lose his leg. His real reason for joining the British Navy is to seek revenge against Blackbeard.

After managing to steal the chalices from the Spanish, Jack goes to Blackbeard with Gibbs to trade the chalices for his enchanted compass, sending Gibbs away.

Blackbeard’s crew finds the Fountain of Youth, only to be ambushed by Barbossa and his men. Even while they’re fighting, Philip manages to break free and runs to free Syrena. However, the brawl is interrupted when the Spanish arrive as they deem the fountain a sacrilege and proceed to destroy it, throwing away the chalices in the process.

Barbossa takes advantage of the chaos and fatally stabs Blackbeard with a poisonous dagger, receiving the Sword of Triton and gaining title of captain of the Queen Anne’s Revenge. Hoping to rescue her father, Angelica accidentally gets nicked by the venom-tainted blade herself.

With the Spanish retreating, Syrena collect the chalices to Jack. Outmaneuvering Blackbeard’s greedy persona, Jack tricks the pirate into drinking from the wrong chalice, killing Blackbeard and healing Angelica instead.

Barbossa, armed with the Sword of Triton, unofficially takes up piracy, commandeering the Queen Anne’s Revenge. Syrena and Philip now freed go under the water leaving their futures unknown. Jack, suspicious of Angelica, leaves her on an island, and then reconnects with Gibbs. Using Jack’s compass, Gibbs finds Blackbeard’s tiny fleet of ships, including the encased Black Pearl. Jack and Gibbs set sail again to rebuild their beloved vessel. The film ends with Blackbeard’s voodoo doll containing Jack washing up on the beach near Angelica, setting up further confrontations.

Pirates of the Caribbean  4 On Stranger Tides (2011)
 Directed by Rob Marshall

Character Details

Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) – The legendary pirate, always cunning and resourceful, seeking the Fountain of Youth while already tangled with old foes and flames.

Angelica (Penélope Cruz) – Jack’s love interest and Blackbeard’s daughter. More willful and duplicitous than Jack, she has a fraught relationship with him.

Blackbeard (Ian McShane) – A merciless and dreaded pirate who uses the Sword of Triton to command ships. Obsessed with escaping his predestined death.

Captain Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) –  Jack’s old foe, now a privateer, secretly out to get his revenge on Blackbeard.

Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally) – Jack’s steadfast first mate, who helps get the Black Pearl back.

Philip Swift (Sam Claflin) – A missionary captured by Blackbeard who falls in love with the mermaid Syrena.

Syrena (Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey) – A mermaid captured by Blackbeard, she falls in love with Philip and ends up saving him.

Scrum (Stephen Graham) – A self-serving pirate who works on Blackbeard’s ship.

King George II (Richard Griffiths) – The king of England, who orders Jack to locate the Fountain.

Lt. Cmdr. Theodore Groves (Greg Ellis) – Barbossa’s first mate.

The Spaniard (Óscar Jaenada) – A fervent Spanish officer sent to destroy the Fountain of Youth.

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